It has been close to nine months since the launch of the original Galaxy Z Flip. The Galaxy Z Flip 5G was launched in August 2020 with an upgraded processor and 5G connectivity, but it wasn’t the Z Flip’s true successor. Samsung could unveil the Galaxy Z Flip 2 sometime next year, and it is rumored to bring upgraded audio.
According to a cryptic tweet from @Ricciolo1, the Galaxy Z Flip 2 will feature a stereo loudspeaker setup, something that was sorely missing from Samsung’s first flip phone with a foldable display. It will be a nice upgrade over the Galaxy Z Flip and Galaxy Z Flip 5G’s single down-firing loudspeaker. If the information is true, the Galaxy Z Flip 2 will be in line with all other high-end smartphones from the South Korean company.
The tweet also mentions that the upcoming flip phone will be launched sometime in the first half of 2021. The Galaxy Z Flip 2 is also expected to feature a larger and more useful cover display, a 120Hz refresh rate for the inner screen, and a triple-camera setup, in line with other flagship smartphones from Samsung. It is also being rumored that the phone will feature second-generation Ultra Thin Glass (UTG).
Our features wishlist for the Galaxy Z Flip 2 includes an adaptive refresh rate feature for the inner screen, newer camera sensors, a telephoto camera, a bigger battery, and faster charging. We would also like Samsung to improve the Flex Mode feature and bring it to more stock and third-party apps. If the company could add some form of water resistance, it would be a great addition as well.
The post Galaxy Z Flip 2 to come with an upgraded audio experience appeared first on SamMobile.
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