After showcasing its premium QLED TVs at CES in January and subsequently launching them globally in March, Samsung launched them in India yesterday. The company launched five QLED TVs in the country, with prices ranging from INR 3,14,900 and INR 24,99,900. Samsung has launched three series of QLED TVs in India – Q9, Q8, and Q7 – with four screen size options: 55 inches, 65 inches, 75 inches, and 88 inches. The South Korean electronics giant also showcased its innovatively designed TV, the Frame, at the launch event.
Interested consumers can prebook these QLED TVs between May 2 and May 21 from here. The company is offering a free Samsung Galaxy S8+ (Gold) for those who prebook these QLED TVs: QA55Q7FAMKLXL, QA55Q8CAMKLXL, QA65Q7FAMKLXL and QA65Q8CAMKLX. The company didn’t announce model-specific pricing for TVs in the Q9 series. Here are the official prices for the remaining Samsung’s new QLED TVs in India:
- Samsung Q8C 55-inch Curved Screen QLED TV – INR 3,44,900
- Samsung Q8C 65-inch Curved Screen QLED TV – INR 4,70,900
- Samsung Q8C 75-inch Curved Screen QLED TV – INR 10,99,900
- Samsung Q7F 55-inch Flat screen QLED TV – INR 3,14,900
- Samsung Q7F 65-inch Flat screen QLED TV – INR 4,40,900
Samsung’s QLED TVs feature 4K resolution with support for HDR 2000, which helps in achieving 100 percent color volume, richer colors, deep blacks, and bright visuals (1500-2000 nits). These TVs also come with ultra-thin metal bodies, near bezel-less frames, and ‘No Gap’ wall mount. The company has also designed what it calls Invisible Connection one-cable solution that carries all the signals to the TV frame for a cleaner looking installation. Another interesting feature is One Remote, which can control all the devices connected to these TVs.
“QLED TV, powered by Samsung’s quantum dot technology, provides true-to-life images that no other TV can match. It empowers you to think about the television in a new way, bringing art and entertainment into new parts of your home. The QLED TV is as beautiful when turned off as it is when it’s on and will help us grow the demand for premium TVs as well as our market share in India even further,” said Rajeev Bhutani, Vice President, Consumer Electronics Business, Samsung India.
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