Samsung is rolling out the first Nougat update for its mid-range devices today. The update is going out to the Galaxy A5 (2016) in Russia, and we’ve received a video which shows the newest iteration of Android in action on the device. As expected, the user interface matches what we’ve seen on the Galaxy S7 and other flagship devices. We’re guessing the feature set is similar, too, although some are likely exclusive to the flagship phones.
The update carries firmware version A510FXXU4CQDK; it’s only available over the air at the moment, but we should be seeing the full firmware making its way online in the near future. If you have a Galaxy A5 (2016) and live in Russia, be sure to check if the update is available by heading into the Settings » About device » Software update menu. Take a look at a few screenshots from Nougat on the A5 (2016) below, embedded right after the video.
Thanks, Kamil!
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