Four months after launching the Galaxy A21s in India, Samsung has now introduced the 128GB storage variant of the smartphone in the country. This variant comes with 6GB RAM, similar to the 64GB storage variant of the Galaxy A21s. This new variant of the smartphone will be available in an additional color variant: Silver.
The 6GB RAM + 128GB storage variant of the Galaxy A21s is priced at INR 17,499 (around $240) in India. It will be available for purchase starting October 10 through Samsung’s online store, Samsung Opera House, popular online stores, and most offline retailers.
The 4GB + 64GB and 6GB + 64GB variants of the Galaxy A21s are priced at INR 14,999 and INR 16,499 in India. These variants are available in blue, black, and white colors. Samsung is also offering a cashback of INR 750 on purchasing the Galaxy A21s using EMI through an ICICI Bank credit or debit card.
Galaxy A21s specs recap
The Galaxy A21s sports a 6.5-inch LCD display with HD+ resolution. It has a 13MP selfie camera and a 48MP+8MP+2MP+2MP rear-facing camera setup. The 48MP camera has a wide-angle lens, while the 8MP camera is paired with an ultrawide lens. The two 2MP cameras are for depth sensing and macro shots. The phone runs Android 10 with One UI 2.0.
Samsung has equipped the Galaxy A21s with the Exynos 850 processor, 4GB/6GB RAM, 64GB/128GB storage, and a microSD card slot. Connectivity features include 4G LTE, dual-SIM card slot, Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS, NFC, USB Type-C port, and a headphone jack. It is powered by a 5,000mAh battery and supports 15W fast charging.
Galaxy A21s Review
The post Samsung launches 128GB variant of Galaxy A21s in India appeared first on SamMobile.
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